City Canvas Assistance

The New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in collaboration with the New York City Department of Buildings manages the City Canvas program. This program allows for the installation of temporary visual art on eligible sidewalk sheds and construction fences in the five boroughs.

In the Long Island City area, there is roughly 70,200 linear feet of sidewalk sheds and construction fences across more than 350 sites. Activating these sites as public art installations can not only improve the pedestrian experience for residents and visitors to LIC, but can also allow property owners to engage with cultural organizations and artists in the community.

27-01 Jackson Avenue - artwork by Queen Andrea; made possible by Lions Group, LICP, and Hive Public Space

27-34 Jackson Avenue - artwork by Cecilia Lueza; made possible by Rockrose and LICP

As seen above, LICP has worked successfully with property owners in the Court Square area to produce bright, colorful murals on otherwise drab construction fences, enlivening the Jackson Avenue corridor and showcasing the neighborhood’s artistic character.

Sample timeline:
Call for artists2 months
Artist selection1 month
Artist design period1 month
Artbirdge Approval1 month
Installation1-2 weeks
Total5-6 months

Approximate project cost: $12-18,000*
*includes artist design and labor fee, materials, and DCLA permit

Artist selection: call for local artists or commission

LICP is here to help you activate your construction fence from start to finish.
- Managing artist selection
- Drafting artist contract and managing workflow
- Facilitating Artbridge permit process
- Promoting completed project

Email Angel Hart at for more information.

Learn more:
City Canvas FAQ
City Canvas Announcement